vendredi 27 mars 2020

Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.

Crazy days we’re living in, aren’t they?

Thank you for being part of the Becoming Minimalist community. I believe, in times like these, it is even more essential to focus on things that matter. Minimalism paves that pathway.

By owning fewer possessions, we reserve time, money, and energy for the things that matter most. So take some time to focus on the things you own and what can be removed (today or in the future).

We’ll get through this—and we’ll be better because of it.

To keep your mind focused on simplicity and intentional living, here is a personally selected list of encouraging articles that have been published recently:

How I am Minimizing My Wardrobe | Recovering Women Wealth by Deanna Broaddus. As I embrace less with my wardrobe I can see the benefits.

Embracing “Involuntary Simplicity” | No Sidebar by Emily McDermott. While I do not want to downplay the economic impact of closed businesses and canceled events and services, let alone the impact on vulnerable populations who may find themselves isolated, I believe there are some important mindset shifts that can help us embrace “involuntary simplicity” as much as possible during this tumultuous time.

Thoughts on Downsizing | Hej Doll by Jessica Doll. Sharing some of my thoughts on downsizing before, during, and after our move to a smaller space.

Expert Tips on Decluttering Your Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic | LA Times by Lisa Boone. Helpful ideas if you’re looking.

Minimalism in a Crisis | Joshua Becker on YouTube

from Becoming Minimalist

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