vendredi 26 octobre 2018

Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.

There’s more to life than buying stuff.

There are many wonderful people pursuing and promoting simplicity. Fortunately, some of them are gifted in communication and choose to encourage and inspire us with their words. I enjoy reading their unique perspective. I’m sure you will too.

So fix yourself a nice warm cup of coffee or tea on this beautiful weekend. Find a quiet moment. And enjoy some encouraging words about finding more simplicity in your life today.

How to Raise a Minimalist | Real Simple by Lisa Armstrong. You love your children. The avalanche of stuff that seems to come with them? Not so much. Help them feel more joy with fewer things.

Why Kids Need a Minimalist Closet + How to Create One | Raising Simple by Zoë Kim. When our little people are overwhelmed by clutter, it’s our job to help them simplify.

How to Declutter Your Life (the very best place to start) | Be More with Less by Courtney Carver. The most popular question about decluttering or simplifying is, “What’s the best way to start?” The next most popular question is, “How long will it take?”

Why Experiences (not Things) Get Better with Time, According to Science | No Sidebar by Jay Harrington. There is a massive body of work in the field of behavioral psychology that suggests the “hedonic superiority” of experiential over material purchases.

5 Quick Ways To Start Decluttering Today | Break the Twitch by Anthony Ongaro. Here are some ways to start decluttering that will make a difference in your life today.

How to Be a Minimalist with Kids | Joshua Becker on YouTube. (4:42)

from Becoming Minimalist

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