samedi 13 mai 2017

Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.

Fill your life with stories to tell, not stuff to show.

The simplicity/minimalism movement is a beautiful community. And I enjoy any opportunity to promote writing that encourages people to live more by owning less.

So fix yourself a nice warm cup of coffee or tea. Find a quiet moment this weekend. And enjoy some encouraging words to inspire more simplicity in your life today.

10 Rules to Help You Live with Less Stuff | Be More with Less by Courtney Carver. When you let go of what doesn’t matter you can give more of yourself to what does.

How Billionaires Stole My Mind | Raptitude by David Cain. From the designer’s end, nothing is accidental about your morning phone habit.

Here’s How I (Painlessly!) Purged 80 Percent of My Closet | Apartment Therapy by Marlen Komar. “This is the story of how I stopped punishing myself with crap clothes, and slowly but surely did away with the majority of my wardrobe.”

I Planned My Wedding in 5 Days. You Could, Too. | The New York Times by Emily Hardman. With each social expectation for weddings, I asked myself: “Does this achieve the goal of making the people at my wedding feel loved and appreciated for the role they play in my life? Will it help strengthen my marriage and the promises we made to each other?” If the answer was no, I didn’t waste any more time.

from Becoming Minimalist

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