mercredi 30 novembre 2016

‘Tis the Season to Share Your Story


Becoming Minimalist unites people around a common, life-giving pursuit. We have discovered there is more to be found in owning less than we can ever discover pursuing more.

Regardless of where we find ourselves on this journey, we are resolved to live by these ideals and make it true in our lives.

This is an important worldview because it provides potential and opportunity to all who embrace it. And it offers joy. And joy is best experienced when it is shared.

All around the world, family and friends will gather together to celebrate various holidays. We will take time to catch up with loved ones. And for those whose lives have been changed by the adoption of minimalist ideas, the season represents a golden opportunity to share your story and newfound approach to life with those you love the most.

If you are actively pursuing simplicity, you are living a counter-cultural lifestyle. You have a personal story of discovering simplicity in a world that champions consumerism. Almost by default, your story is unique, interesting, and compelling. People will be interested to hear it.

Over the years, I’ve heard countless stories of people discovering minimalism. Some found it through their upbringing. Some were introduced through disaster (fire, burglary, downsizing). Some were introduced by a friend. While others picked up just the right book or stumbled onto the right website at the right moment .

Regardless of how you personally discovered it, your story has the power to inspire others and further the message of finding more life by owning fewer possessions.

So share your story with friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors this holiday season. Look for opportunities to retell it over coffee, around the dinner table, or during a family tradition. Be bold with the truth of simplicity and owning less.

Of course, when you do, tell your story in humility, motivated by love, without confrontation. Be patient with your family (especially if some of their traditions run contrary to your pursuit of minimalism). Refrain from attitudes and words that communicate any hint of superiority.

Our message may not be fully embraced by those who hear it the first time. But that’s okay. Our job is not to change someone’s life for them.

Our role is to simply offer the invitation.

from Becoming Minimalist

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