samedi 29 octobre 2016

Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.


Fill your life with stories to tell, not stuff to show.

The simplicity/minimalism movement is a beautiful community. And I enjoy any opportunity to promote writing that encourages people to live more by owning less.

So fix yourself a nice warm cup of coffee or tea. Find a quiet moment this weekend. And enjoy some encouraging words to inspire more simplicity in your life today.

Life Gets Real When the TV Goes Off | Raptitude by David Cain. Even when the TV has only been on in the background, life and all its responsibilities suddenly become a lot more vivid the instant it plunks off.

Incessant Consumer Surveillance Is Leaking Into Physical Stores | The Atlantic by Kaveh Waddell. Retail is on its way to a future of personalized everything.

Staring At Everyone’s Selfies Can Hurt Your Self-Esteem | The Miami Herald by Michael Fuoco. It’s basically upward social comparison, a very classic psychological phenomena

Tiny House Villages Are About to Be the Next Big Housing Trend | Country Living by Jessica Mattern. Living in a tiny village does a few things for one’s health, including creating a better sense of community, satisfying people’s basic needs for relationships, offering affordable housing options, and encouraging physical activity.

from Becoming Minimalist

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