samedi 21 novembre 2015

Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.


Never underestimate the importance of removing stuff you don’t need.

Encouragement is important in all areas of life, but especially when trying to live a life different than those around us.

Encouragement provides us with motivation to persevere. It invites us to dream dreams of significance for our lives. And it begs us to work diligently with optimism and promise.

Overcoming the pull of consumerism is a difficult challenge regardless of our stage in life. Simplicity requires encouragement. To that end, I hope you will find motivation in these articles below.

Each post was intentionality chosen to inspire simplicity in your life. For maximum effect, find a quiet moment this weekend and enjoy them with a fresh cup of coffee or tea.

How ‘Treat Yourself’ Became a Capitalist Command | The Atlantic by Ester Bloom. Corporations love telling Americans they “deserve” fancy electronics and indulgent food.

Our Stuff is Burying Us Alive | Salon by Brian Thill. Hoarding and the mountains of garbage we call “collections.”

How to Want Very Little | Zen Habits by Leo Babauta. What would happen if we broke from our addiction to wanting and buying more?

I Went 200 Days Without Buying Anything New. Here’s How You Can Do It, Too | Yahoo by Assya Barrette. You might say to yourself, “I’d never be able to do that.” I’m here to counter that voice with a huge “Yes, you can!“

The Other Letter | YouTube by IKEA (2:41). Before you waste any time shopping this holiday season, watch this.

from Becoming Minimalist

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