mercredi 23 mars 2016

🎂 JobMob Turns 9

 9 years ago this week, on March 21st, 2007, it all began…

JobMob 9th birthday cakeThis has been JobMob’s best year yet.

If last year was a year of transition after I stopped working on an Internet startup, this year was a year of growth all around.

More visitors, more subscribers, more jobs found, more fun :)

Here are the highlights:

JobMob 2.0

In June 2015, I announced the first redesign JobMob has had since… forever.

I had wanted to update the site for a while but other projects came first. However, when my not-so-Internet-savvy mom (love you! ❤) suggested that maybe it was time to give JobMob a refresh, that was the sign that I’d put it off too long.

The redesign process kicked off with the new JobMob logo, which then set the tone for changes to JobMob itself.

The new JobMob is faster, less cluttered and automatically adjusts to the size of your screen.

Contrast and compare:

JobMob's transformation

The new JobMob is also modern behind the scenes, making it much easier for me to add new features, such as…

The JobMob Insider program

The Insider program is an experiment.

Currently, registration is free and gets you access to at least 10 “Insider Bonuses”, exclusive downloads such as:

  • The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide
  • The One Resume Resource You’ll Ever Need
  • The One Job Interview Resource You’ll Ever Need

Also, once logged in, Insiders no longer see any more subscription popups around JobMob.

If all that’s not enough, I have other things coming for JobMob Insiders too…

Register now to become a JobMob Insider (free)

The Midlife Job Finders Course

A few weeks ago, very quietly on purpose, I launched my first online job search course.

The Midlife Job Finders course came about after surveying my subscribers a few times and gauging interest.

The idea was to create a job search course for older job seekers (40+) who want to apply the latest job search techniques while being guided as part of a community of like-minded people.

Founding member registration opened and closed at the beginning of March, but if you’d like to be notified when it opens again, get on the waiting list.

Other minor highlights of the past 12 months include:

Server improvements

[GEEK ALERT] As part of my quest to make JobMob faster and just an all-around better place to visit for job search advice, I upgraded the web server to HTTP2, the latest & greatest technology for making websites load faster. I also moved JobMob to DNS Made Easy for faster server lookups.

Rise of the Wapuu

Comments across JobMob now have a happy yellow character called Wapuu (unless the commenter has a Gravatar). Wapuu is the new official mascot of WordPress, and leaving a comment will get you assigned a randomly-styled Wapuu.

Try it now by wishing JobMob a happy birthday!

Here’s to another big year, and looking forward to a special 10th anniversary  🎉🎉🎉

from JobMob

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